How do connections work?

You can enable the integration of all of your OEMs but you will not be able to enable individual assets without a connection licence. You can contact ABAX, to order connections at any time. 

When you have Smart Connect connections they act as a flexible subscription. You order how many you need and then you enable or disable them across your assets. One connection counts towards one asset. If a connection is enabled, it will appear on the map and send data (for reporting), if the connection is disabled it will not appear on the map or send any data.  

For example, in June, you order 10 connections and use them to enable each of your 10 excavators. In July, you decide to disable 5 of the excavators and enable 5 bulldozers instead.  

In June, your map and reports will feature 10 excavators.  

In July, your map and reports will feature 5 excavators and 5 bulldozers. 

However, if you create a report to cover both June and July, you will see data collected from when any asset had an enabled connection. This means, the 5 disabled excavators will appear in future reports, but the data shown is only from when their connection was enabled. 

You can contact ABAX, to order more connections at any time.