Submit a business mileage claim

This option is only visible in the Driver app if you need to submit business mileage claims – e.g. you drive a car for business mileage. Before submitting your business mileage claim, you should have thoroughly managed your trips to ensure everything is accurate. For more information, see: managing trips

ABAX Driver App Submit mileage Claim Calendar
  • Open the ‘Submit’ menu in the Driver app.
  • Select your period from the calendar and press ‘Submit’ to load your report.  


Note: If you select a period that contains a business trip without a purpose, you will be prompted to update that trip – remember you cannot submit a business trip without a purpose. 

ABAX Driver App Submit Mileage Claim Signature
  • Check that your details and business mileage allowances are correct. If they are, sign in the empty field. If they are not, you can edit these from the ‘Trips’ and ‘Settings’ menus. 
  • Press the ‘Deliver’ button when you are happy to submit your business mileage to your admin.  


Note: Your admin will receive a notification of your submission. They will quality check your business mileage claim and either accept or send it back to you with comments.