Driver score overview

  • Open the ‘Driving Behaviour Drivers’ menu: or find it from ‘Driving Behaviour > Drivers’.
  • The table shows all your drivers and their driving scores for the last 7 days with trips. The best score for each factor is 100.
  • For driving scores over a longer period, use the ‘Driving score’ report. You can click ‘Go to reports’ in the submenu to go straight there. For more information see “Driving score report” in "Driving behaviour reports".
    Driving Behaviour driver overview screen
  • You can search the list for a specific driver, sort any column by clicking on the column title or use the cogwheel to customise the table.

  • Clicking on a driver will expand their driver score in a popup window.
    Driving Behaviour driver more info screen
  • This drivers score can now been seen in detail including their averages, descriptions of what each score indicates and how they compare to other drivers in the company or over time.
    Driving Behaviourdriver more info braking screen